Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Girl Quiz

I have a lot to post about but I've spent the last... oooh... long time posting pics of facebook and I am TIRED.  Ok?  Tired.  BUT, I want to share this fun birthday girl quiz.  (sorry about some of the formatting...) MVJ turns 1 on Tuesday, but we had her birthday party this weekend.  Good luck!  I'll post the answers later in the week!

How well do YOU know the birthday girl?
Multiple Choice.
1. What was MVJ’s due date?     a) February 15                        b) March 7                 c) March 10
2. What was M’s first reaction to food?        a) Finally!  The good stuff!  Bring me more!                       b) NO thanks.  Blegh!    c)  I’ll take it or leave it.
3. How old was M when she had her first (of many!) photoshoot?    a) 1 wk.    b) 2 wks.    c) 3 wks
4. What did M wear home from the hospital?  a) a Halo sleeper borrowed from the hospital        b) a frilly pink dress Mommy bought while preparing for the big day                                                       c) a green newborn outfit bought by Grandma and Grandpa Kucera while they visited
5. What unique thing occurred during M’s birth?  a) her scalp was scraped when the doctor broke Mommy’s water         b) she was born tachycardic and needed a little help in the NICU                             c) one of the nurses fainted
6. What was M’s favorite Christmas song?   a) Ave Maria by Josh Groban   b) Christmas in Hollis by Run-D.M.C. c) Run Rudolph Run by Chuck Berry         
7.  What special first did M have over Christmas?  a) first time meeting her Great Grandparents    b) first plane (and train!) ride           c) she cut her first tooth
8.  Who gave M her first M&M?  a) her hairstylist, MO   b) her Grandma BJJ  c) her friend JB (our upstairs neighbor)
9.  What does M like to do when she wakes up?  a) snuggle    b) get her diapey changed    c) eat
10.  How does M feel about her sippy cup?  a) it’s her favorite form of drinking   b) she prefers nursing, but will take it – especially if someone else holds it for her    c) she STILL refuses it
Fill in the Blank.
11. How many teeth does M currently have?   ______________
12. What item does M need in order to fall asleep?  ______________
13. M was born with TONS of hair.  Did this cause Mommy tons of heartburn?  ______________
14. What is M’s bedtime (that she set for herself)? ______________
15. Name one thing M does NOT enjoy eating.  ______________  
16. Who is M named after (middle name)?  ______________
17. How do we know M is a true Norwegian?  ______________
18. What is M’s favorite toy?  ______________
19 and 20. Name two of M’s nicknames.  ______________   and   ______________

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