Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hey folks out there in internetland!  Sorry that it's been so long!  I have a variety of things to blame, namely: for some reason our wireless internet was not working, for some reason my husband feels like he has dibs on our desktop to play WOW, for some reason December was REALLY busy (but in a good way).  So.  Here is my first blog post in over a month.  I have lots to update on.  I'll TRY to separate them into different posts on different evenings so you don't get overwhelmed.  Deal?  Deal.  Because really, let's be honest, I don't read those SUPERlong posts any more than you do. 

Work: So in December I had a crazy number of meetings and I got through them, yay!  Now I've had a few no-shows and that's making me not so happy.  What can you do?  I do the best I can to help parents be prepared (send documents beforehand so parents can come with questions, call to remind about meetings, email about meetings (at times), send a "prior notice" in writing to officially remind them!, etc) and I don't *think* I'm too intimidating that parents want to stay away!  Ooooh!  And I'm getting a smartboard!  I'm very excited!  But I don't know much about them, so am looking forward to the (mandatory) training coming up once a month until the end of the school year.

Travel: We headed to Fargo the 22nd of Dec. to hang out with the Fargo J's and even meet up with the F's.  YAY!  Friend TAF is so beautiful as she prepares to have their first baby later THIS MONTH.... CRAZY!  I'M YELLING!  Ok, ok, back to my normal typing voice...  The J's are always awesome hosts and we love getting the chance to hang out with them, however busy our combined four kids make the visit!  Then, on the 23rd we headed to Bismarck to hang out with my family, my uncle DS and his kiddos (CS and TS) and grandkiddo (CS's son CS -- that could get confusing!  How about my cousin is CLS and her child is CDS plus hopefully you'll be able to distinguish between what a 20-something is doing vs. a 5 month old!), and my grandparents.  We had a white elephant exchange and ate tons of food!  THEN, on Dec. 26th we headed to AZ (or so we thought!).  More on that later. 

MVJ: You knew it was coming, I couldn't get through a post without talking about my beautiful baby girl.  Who's not such a baby anymore.  Single tear.  My baby is ELEVEN months old!  Gerber refers to her as a TODDLER.  She had EIGHT teeth.  Hooboy... this change stuff is tough on this momma!  But of course, I want her to grow and change and do new fun things.  More on HER later as well!

JJ: JJ has been very busy interviewing ('tis the season) for med. schools.  This is a big learning experience for both of us.  We are just trying to rest in God's peace and promise to be with us through this.  We (really I should be saying I at this point --- JJ would be saying, "Why do you keep saying "we", do you have a turd in your pocket?"  Yes, that is MY husband, future MD (or DO).) know that God's plan is SO MUCH BETTER than what we can imagine, I just have certain thoughts of what might be nice RIGHT NOW!  : )  So, pray for us.  Thanks!

What have YOU been up to?


jillg said...

Yay! I've just been waiting for a post from you!

JJ and EJ said...

Awwww, thanks JG! : )