Friday, January 22, 2010

Miss Destruct-o

It is hilarious, but MVJ has a method to her destruct-o madness.  She methodically takes apart our living room/her bedroom, going back to the same places and taking the same things apart.

For example, in her bedroom, she will first move her big Buttercup doll and put her facedown on the floor.  Then she will put each CD (one at a time) on the floor --- not throwing, but delicately placing them on the floor.  After that she can come and sit by her toy bucket to play, although sometimes she tries to explore her diaper bin (yuck!).  She is also a big fan of unfolding any outfits found on the floor in her closet.  I put the ones that she has outgrown on the floor before I organize them into bins.  I may have to rethink that plan because I do a LOT of refolding!  

In the living room, she LOVES moving our Outburst! game from its shelf and propping it up on the floor.  Then she takes her board books off the shelf.  Next she stands by an end table and takes the mats off of the table.  After that she climbs INTO her toy rubbermaid to play, or stand up and attempt to play with the Blu-ray player.  She also is into our surround sound.  She loves changing the sound, and one of us is always in charge of the remote in the event that she blasts it!


jillg said...

Your stories about M just crack me up!!! I love them!

Lyz said...

Oh that girly! A boy would be throwing CDs like no one's business, trust me!:)

JJ and EJ said...

Thanks for commenting guys! Thanks JG --- I love to look back on them and smile! : ) LJ -- I know! At times she can be pretty girlie! : )