Tuesday, January 19, 2010


What?!  Where did the time go?!  I am loving my daughter more and more each day if that is even possible.  She is such a spunky little girl.  I AM a little worried that we are spoiling her to become a brat, but she's so darn irresistible.  I guess time will tell.  Here are some facts about my little girl:

*She is now eating all "toddler" Gerber foods.  Yum, yum.  She especially loves "pasta pickups " -- we have to cut them up because she barely chews them in her haste to get them in her belly!
*On occasion she says "Thank you".  It is the cutest thing!  At first JJ thought I was exaggerating her skills, but then he heard her and became a believer!  Generally the only time it comes out is during a "sharing session" - where she has something, gives it to one of us, takes it back, gives it to one of us, takes it back, repeat, repeat.
*My Mom came to hang out with us for a weekend and babysat MVJ one Monday (when JJ had an interview).  She taught her how to blow kissies!  It is the cutest thing!  It is also VERY inconsistent, but we are working hard to make it stick!
*MVJ is not a big fan of stuffed animals.  She is pretty indifferent to anything that does not make noise, in fact.  I'm trying desperately to make her be a big fan of her Baby Stella doll (as much as me, anyways!).
*She stands on her own, but only when she doesn't realize she is doing it.  She seems to be kind of slowing down with milestones, but does seem to be getting stronger walking with our help and cruising around the furniture.
*My baby girl is still going strong with nursing.  I'm a little nervous at the thought of weaning her.  Nursing has become such a ritual in our day and a time to bond before I leave for school, when I get home and before I put her to bed.  I know I can replace these times with other things that allow close-time, but it won't be the same for either of us!
*She has become such a good drinker from a sippy cup - but only when we hold it for her.  I've been trying to work on her doing it herself, but she isn't quite into it.  The little stinker has gone so far as to prop her sippy on the tray of her highchair and sink way down to drink without having to hold it.  Oh dear...  I've been taking her hands, putting them on the sippy, and letting go.  She will drink for a teeny little bit, then hand it to me and wait patiently with her mouth open.  My silly, stubborn, spoiled baby!
*MVJ totally knows when she's doing something wrong and tests the waters.  Her new fun thing is when she is finished eating, she starts dropping her food on the ground.  She will hang a cheerio over the edge, stare at us and slowly drop it.  What a naughty little thing!
*She's also the master of sneakiness.  She will stare us down, while doing something naughty with her hands in a different direction.  Like, "Hi Mom and Dad.  < whistle, whistle > nothing to see here..."
*Knock on wood, MVJ has been sleeping through the night for quite some time (7:15ish pm-7:00ish am).  She totally has A blankie.  At nap or night time, I only have to put the blankie on my shoulder, and she will snuggle into it as I lower her into bed.  She cuddles up to it and sleeps through the night.  Ahhhhh.  Love it.  We made the mistake of leaving it at home our last mini-trip to visit the AJ fam.  BIG mistake.  We're not sure if that was the sole reason, but she had a really crappy sleeping night.  Boo.
*The 1st bday invites have gone out!  My girl is soon to turn 1 and I can't believe it.  I often think about that big day and love sharing my story with other moms!

As I've told others and been thinking about a lot lately -- I vacillate between reminiscing about my baby girl and dreaming about my big girl.  She's definitely transitioning, growing and changing.  Enjoy each day, right?    

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