Friday, December 11, 2009

Kiddie Meal?

JJ always makes fun of me for wanting the same foods a toddler would - that I have a childish pallet.  Whatever!  I have a sophisticated pallet!  Just because I don't like seafood, or mushrooms, or a lot of meat, or a lot of spice, and just because I really like Subway (but the same turkey sub every time) and mac and cheese and a cookie for breakfast and cereal all day... oh, ok, ok... 

This was reenforced when I went to the movies (yeah, at a theater!  woohoo!) with a group of girls from work.  It was a great evening to hang out and NOT TALK ABOUT WORK THE WHOLE TIME!  I get up to the counter and order a kiddie tray.  What?  They are PERFECT - you get a little bit of everything AND a treat!  What could be better?

Or the time this last week when I was out running errands right after work and decided to just pick up some supper.  JJ really wanted an iced coffee from McDonald's, so that's where I headed.  I ordered my usual: chicken mcnuggets, but I only wanted six.  I almost laughed out loud when the gal asked if this was for a little girl or a little boy.  Apparently six pieces are in the "Mighty Kids Meals".  Oh boy!  So now I have a Mc-y D's Strawberry Shortcake toy to share with a friend... a much younger friend!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Just cause you have a SMALL appetite doesn't mean it's childish!:) I always get nuggets at McD's - but I eat way more than 6.:)