Thursday, April 23, 2009

Not ALL perfect

So, from my last post it seems we have the perfect child. We'll, she's pretty darn close, but I failed to mention that her FAVORITE activity is pooping or peeing while we change her diaper. I thought in the beginning I was a very poor diaper changer. But, two months and... oh... I don't even want to think about how many diapers later, she still continues to surprise us. And, they only caution parents of boy babies of the... uh... waterfall effect, but girls apparently can squirt pretty well themselves! So, the other night we were hanging out with a new Bible study crew having a Pot Providence (no such thing as "luck" -- I love it!) and it became obvious that little missy needed a diaper change. I decided to go into the bathroom (no carpet!) to change her. I got out the changing pad and all that and realized I didn't have the wipes! I called to JJ, who was summoned by J to help. Still no problems, but sweet thing has had plenty of time to finish doing her business. I get her cleaned up. Her bottom has been slightly red lately, so we've started the "butt cream" as JB calls it (Desitin), so I put that on her, and as I'm juuuust about to close the diaper up, she poops --- AND this time one of her poops lands ON MY CHIN. WAY too close for comfort!! That little stinker. And she just lays there smiling. This has solidified her new nickname: the poopetrator.

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