Sunday, January 11, 2009

The J's

Na-na-na-na-na all you other relatives out there. We got some more BIL AJ and SIL LJ time this weekend! : ) We loved it when AJ and LJ moved closer to us (only about an hour away compared with about 5ish when they lived in R and then 5ish again when we lived in WC). AJ and LJ are always gracious hosts and LJ is one of those people who has a stocked guest bathroom and delicious meals prepared. I love that. : ) JJ and I joked that this month has been fabulous on our budget because we kept eating other people's food. First with my family and then with the J's and back to the J's this weekend! We have only been to the grocery store once!

So anyways, back to this weekend. LJ hosted a scrapbooking night. She is a former CM consultant and as she put it, old habits die hard because the night was even complete with snacks and prizes! We started around 7 pm and had a blast chatting and working. I am proud to say that in total I finished 10 pages! I have taken us from last winter to this 4th of July! Woohoo! Because of my diligent efforts, I was rewarded with a pack of little papers in purples. So fun! Everyone knows, or everyone who has spent 10 minutes with me knows that I am competitive, so rewards work for me! We went strong until after midnight. I don't know exactly when we stopped, but I slipped into bed about 1:15 am. I have been having trouble sleeping lately - partly due to my cold, but also my pregnancy makes laying down for long periods uncomfortable at times. I woke up wide awake at about 6:30am. After trying to go back to sleep unsuccessfully and then being a total butthead to JJ (said in a very sad voice): "Psst! Honey. I'm awake-y." "I think I'm going to just go scrapbook since my stuff is still all laid out." So I did. heehee LJ and BJ were up watching cartoons and eating cheerios.

After everyone else slowly made their way to the main level, LJ, LJ, BJ and I went to Target while the boys (JJ, AJ and a friend TJ) went crosscountry skiing. LJ called AJ once and he reported that JJ had mortally wounded himself. I braced myself for a major injury, but found out it was more of a groin pull. JJ said it was a lot of fun, but he is still having some upper leg pain. He said that they all fell at least once - AJ said JJ had a slow-motion take down as he tried to right himself.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

As usual, we loved having you here.

And of course, when you say that I have prepared delicious meals, you MEANT "prepared delicious meals for my husband to cook", right? Meaning JJ, of course. At least I warned him this time.