Monday, December 8, 2008

Ultrasound... the second...

So I went in today for our second ultrasound. The baby wasn't turning/cooperating the first time to get a good picture of the heart, thus a second one was scheduled. I've heard the heart docs where we live are superpicky and it is very common for them to request second ultrasounds. I was like, whatever, I g-u-e-s-s I'll come in and look at my beautiful baby again! : ) I get there (JJ has a crizazy week and couldn't attend this one) and she just does a few swoops to see where my girl's at. She verifies we are in fact expecting a girl. She takes a few profile shots; BGJ (Baby Girl J) is just hamming it up. She grabs her toes, waves, flutters about. Then on to the heart. BGJ is not having any of it. At one point she even put her hand to her face in a woe is me sort of way. Little stinker! I could see the heart fine. It looked just great to me... beating... four chambers... heart rate 150... the lady is not quite satisfied. She goes to look for backup. BGJ actually kicks the backup several tmes! I was like... uh... sorry about that. heehee Second ultrasoundist (??) or ultrasound tech takes a few shots but not without some struggle. I am on my left, then back to my back, then on my right side, then back. BGJ starts to turn and tech tries to encourage her, but to no avail. I guess I need to start reading the books on raising a stubborn child! The first lady comes back and says to not be surprised if they want me to come back. again.

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