Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tough week

I had a very tough week. Ick, I shudder just thinking about it. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster (but not in a good way) and am so. so. glad. to be off the ride! Here are just a few snippits from the week in no particular order:

*Got called a Bi@#^. Classic.
*Got all ready for a kid coming from DBR who reportedly got into a lot of trouble with another one of my students. Wonderful. Then, found out he's going to a different school in town. Elation.
*Prepared for four, count 'em four, IEP or Assessment meetings (for this coming week).
*Finished up Yu-Gi-Oh club. Single tear.
*Had chairs and garbages thrown down - not particularily at me, which was a good thing.
*Had principal observe me. Lesson bombed.
*Told I had made a huge mistake in a matter that occurred the week before. I had no idea. Oops. Big lesson learned. Check.
*Had a Character Ed. meeting where one of the ladies, the home ec teacher, had the audacity to say, "I'm sorry guys, I didn't get any of the things I was supposed to do for this meeting done. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been swamped lately." I about jumped over the table. In my head: "Listen here, lady, I DID finish the things I needed to get done. And NO, I haven't noticed because I don't have time to GO TO THE BATHROOM during the day, much less poke my head into your room to check on you!" Ugh, just typing that made my blood get a little boily all over again. Deep breaths, deep breaths.
*One kid working in a self-contained classroom, who is supposed to be transitioning back into the general education curriculum, but is refusing. One kid on in school suspension. Not enough paras/teachers to cover all kids' needs.
*Had to bake THREE times for potlucks, parties and such.
*Had THREE parties, potlucks, and such! Woohoo!
*Didn't sleep well for at least three nights --- and for me that is VERY unusual.

Friday, last period of the day, I was scheduled to meet with my principal to go over her observation. I made a list of things I wanted to talk to her about. When I go in to talk to my principal, it's like when I go in to my see my doctor. I have to make a list otherwise, I get into the "Uh huh, uh huh, everything's fine." mode.

My principal assurred me that she is seeing great progress, that I shouldn't be so hard on myself, that I need to take time to collaborate with other specialists - even if that means checking out the I.P., and that she values me as a staff member and doesn't want me to get burned out.

She also said that this year is unique because a) the 7th grade class is the largest they've ever had, so obviously/statistically there are more needs, b) we have been working with a bare-bones staff -- we've had many people out, need for more para support, an 8th grade specialist who was never replaced at the beginnig of the year when the one we had got another job, etc., and c) we are the designated middle school for the ELL population -- even though those kiddos are not special education students, they still tax our teachers and paras. My principal mentioned that many specialists - veteran specialists - have come to her feeling overwhelmed. Phew, I thought I really was the only one and I thought it was because of my own incompetence.

I am so glad I had a chance to talk to her. It was an answer to prayer. We have been wrestling anyways with options for next year --> daycare, me stay home, JJ stay home, etc. At least I know that I have support from my principal in whatever happens.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Honey, being called a "B-word" means you have ARRIVED in secondary ed. Consider a badge of honor, that you are doing things kids don't like, aka, things that are good for them.

What an exhausting week. Good principals can be such a relief.