Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rawwr! Attack of the Preggo Brain!

Lately I have been stoopid. Seriously. And I bump into things and am clumsy. It is so annoying because I normally work on about half a brain sometimes it seems. For example, our upstairs neighbor, BB, chatted about watching a movie with us for a while. We had a movie from Netflix and decided on a particular evening. When she came, I put in the wrong movie. Totally random. At work the other day, I was having a serious conversation with our VP and in a sarcastic tone stated that work was just way above this certain kiddo. He looked at me kind of strangely and told me that maybe I should modify it. I was like oooooh, yeah, meant to make a point about it being way below him... or that HE was way above the work. In any case, I'm just glad it's Friday. : )

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