Sunday, March 16, 2008

Teachey Blogs

I love the magazine Instructor. Probably most teachers received it free for a year or something. I did that and then kept receiving it because I enjoyed it so much. I find lots of worthwile ideas and info. - a lot from readers who write in. At times I feel it is a *bit* liberal, but that's another story. This month's edition includes four popular teacher blogs:

It's Not All Flowers an Sausages (my fav. from the list)
What It's Like on the Inside
Bluebird's Classroom

As Instructor states, "21% of teachers have visited online teacher blogs for an uncensored glimpse into what's really going on in their colleagues' heads." For me, it's just nice to know that I'm not the only one who goes through some of the things I go through (i.e. puke, funny stories, funny kids, colleagues from h-e-double hockey sticks, colleagues that make me want to come to school at times, etc.!).

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