Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Just gotta love 'em or something...

Tuesday marked the beginning of the end. The first day of the last quarter. Phew! We made it! I have a whole new group of kiddos and for the most part I think this is going to be a great quarter. I do have one child in particular that is going to drive me up a wall. I just know it. Here is a snippit of life with dear little D.

Assignment: Fill out notecard with name you like to be called and answer questions such as "Where would you like to sit if you could choose? Who do you work well with? How do you learn best?", etc. I have read the directions, explained the questions, given examples and left them on the overhead.

D: "Mrs. J. should I put my name on this?"

EJ: "Yes, D. please check the direction sheet one more time.

D: "But Mrs. J. should I put my full name?"

EJ: "What do the directions say?"

D: "They say to put the name I want to be called."

D: "But Mrs. J., do you want me to put my number from Mr. S's room?"

EJ: "What do you think?" (inside.... "aaaaaaaaaah")

D: "What is this wire basket under my desk for? It looks like it holds books."

Yes.... and this was the first like 10 minutes.

The Life Skills teacher, Mrs. L. said that one day she was doing a foods lab. The kids saw ALL of the ingredients laid out on the countertop. Dear, sweet, curious D watched Mrs. L. add all the ingredients while talking about what to do. Dear, sweet, curious D still had to ask, "But Mrs. L, did you put raisins in those cookies?" Ahhh, life with middle schoolers who don't yet have their prefrontal cortex developed.

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