Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some Sickness Stats

Ugh. I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. I have been really sick for a little over a week now. Boo. Boo hiss boo. Here are some stats for you number crunchers (sorry LJ). : )

The number of times I:
*Called the doctor on call -- twice -- once in the middle of the night. Ugh. These pains were BAD.
*Was asked "Is the baby still moving?" -- at least four -- which is four too many in my book! It freaked me out!
*Went to the doctor -- once -- but my doctor wasn't in and I wasn't very impressed with the doc I saw. For one, he said, "You've lost five pounds in a week. Hmmm... but you've gained 17 pounds overall. That's enough for a WHOLE pregnancy." He gave me some anti-nausea medicine, which I can say I've thrown up at least once.
*Wished for a miracle cure -- EVERY FREAKIN' SECOND
*Threw-up -- 12 (and that may be a low estimate) -- that's from Sunday until yesterday (Friday) at about 7pm.
*Took sick leave (which translates to my paid maternity leave : ( ) -- 3.5 days
*Had really strong Braxton-Hicks contractions -- lots -- ouch! Also, Baby Girl J jumping around has not aided in my recovery efforts, but every movement is still priceless!
*Eaten oatmeal -- lots -- it's about the only thing that has consistently stayed down. I've thrown up water, soda crackers, plain bread, nibbles of a plain bagel, a popsicle, ok, you get the drift.
*Was told I smell like sick -- once -- bless JJ's heart, it could've been a lot more frequent!
*Slept by myself -- twice -- JJ slept on the couch twice because of a combination of these factors: a) he needed to get some sleep, b) I apparantly snore really badly when I'm sick and couldn't rollover easily, c) every movement on his part made me grimace with pain, d) the aforementioned of smelling like sick
*Read -- two whole books
*Cried -- lots -- oh man these hormones! I tell you what! If I happened to watch A Baby Story, Bringing Home Baby, jeez, even the news, I bawled.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

I am feeling so bad for you! Hopefully your cold will not leave you so impaired. I would be a total baby too, so don't feel badly.

Also, I totally understand wanting to meet that baby - I especially felt that way the last month I was pregnant with Ben.

And not all first labors last more than 12 hours. Just keep Jess M.'s in mind - Start to finish, 9 hours. Not too shabby!