Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Our little miss upstairs neighbor, JB, who turns three in March has a new trick. Whenever her Mommy (BB) uses the restroom (come on Mom -- who told you you could take breaks like that??!), she gets into the refridgerator and takes things out. One time she had a carton of eggs in her room (Mommy caught her before she opened it!). Another time she had spilled half and half all over the kitchen floor. SO. Desperate times call for desperate measures. BB needed to go out and get a lock for the fridge. She called to see if I could watch the kiddos. I happily obliged and off BB went. JB and I were reading books when we came across one with Elmo where he talks about what he wants to be when he grows up. I asked JB what she's going to be when she grows up. Without missing a beat, she shared, "We have mittens for me when I get bigger." Yup. Makes sense. : )

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