Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Love Lists

Like my SIL LJ, I too have enjoyed the facebook 25 lists that it seems everyone has been doing. Who doesn't like to share little unknown tidbits about themselves? It's so interesting reading them! Well, I have had, ahem, I bit of time on my hands lately, and here are twenty things I've learned while laying in bed for about nine days straight.

1. CSI: NY is a great show! I'm addicted! And good thing Spike did a marathon like every day, because I think I'm basically caught up! : ) I did have to look away at times because of the camera jumps and my whole nausea thing. . .

2. I didn't realize who Gary Sinese was. I've heard the name lots, but never knew who that guy was. Now I know.

3. Gary Sinese looks just like this kid I went to elementary, jr. high and highschool with! Seriously. Facial expressions and all.

4. I think I'm over mac and cheese. I know. It's kind of a big deal. I saw a commercial for it and felt nauseous. : (

5. I am THE BIGGEST baby when I am sick. I like people to take care of me and sympathize with me.

6. JJ is THE BEST. Ok, I already knew that one, but seriously. He was/is amazing at taking care of me.

7. JJ has a busy week day schedule! Sometimes at work I would daydream about what it must be like to go to class and come back and have a ton of free time. No, not so! At first I thought he was just avoiding me because, well, of #5, but no, that guy is a busy man.

8. JJ has interesting days! One time I was making him distract me from my tummy pains by telling me stories. He started out a bit weak in the story-telling department, so I told him to just tell me about a day in the life of JJ and TB. Interesting stuff, let me tell you. That TB. He's quite the character.

9. I am absolutely physically and emotionally drained. I think it'll be a while before I'm ready for this delivery day stuff because I hear those things are side-effects...

10. Although, even before this ordeal, I have felt very emotionally ready to have the baby. I can't wait to meet her!

11. Now, I'm physically ready too, as in, "Get this kid out of me! She's jumping on my lungs! She's kneading my bladder!"

12. We missed a preggo-class while I was sick -- the one about car seat safety where they actually install the car seat for you. Oops. I hope we can get into another one before the baby comes. . .

13. I read books 2 and 3 of the Twilight series. It's nice, easy reading, but is quite predictable and I am mature enough to not get caught up in "that world" (you know, the one with vampires and werewolves), but I worry for my students. It does have a message of abstinence... sort of...

14. I found that I second-guess my doctor. That is kind of scary. She is a resident who is very close to finishing, but still that kind of hangs over my head.

15. JJ can tell I second-guess her and has been chatting/texting quite frequently with a doctor-buddy of his (sorry to you!).

16. I found out how much I just wanted a quick solution! Apparently I am completely caught up in the instant gratification world we live in. Although, in reality, who wouldn't be when they are puking their guts out?

17. Every time I thought about work, I thought about all the stuff I have to do and how far behind I'm getting.

18. I also thought about my co-workers and all that they must be going through covering for me. I only have two classes where I'm the teacher and the rest of the day I'm in classes with kids. Yeah, those classes NEED multiple adults, so I feel bad for my co-workers!

19. I didn't so much think of the kids. And that's gotten me a bit worried. I feel like as a specialist this year, I have lost my sense of teacher, and have taken on the duties of paperwork and meetings and parent contacts and see kids just to get data so I can do the paperwork and meetings and keep parents informed and legalistic mumbo-jumbo. Ick!

20. Today I woke up and actually feel better. YAY! BUT, if you can believe this, now I have a nasty cold. The whole runny nose and sore throat combo. I guess I'll trade in my puke bucket for a box of kleenix any day.

So, on that happy note... heehee... I'll end my list.

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