Saturday, June 21, 2008

Say what?

The other day JJ got asked to play on our friend JAP's volleyball team because they were a guy short. I went along for encouragement. There was this guy on another team who just seemed really proud of himself. He was probably about 45 and you could tell he fake baked and worked out quite a bit. He and his team come in between games and are chatting by the bleachers. I hear him say, "That was the best sex we've had all season." What? Is that really appropriate? Then he goes on to talk more about the "sets" they've been having. Phew!

Have I told you my most embarrassing volleyball story? A few summers ago, we had just finished playing volleyball and were standing around in a circle chatting. I was ready to head out so I tapped JJ on his butt and whispered, "Let's go." I looked up to find out that JJ was no longer next to me. The guy (D) whose butt I had just tapped looked down at me and said, "Where do you want to go?" I seriously cannot look poor D straight in the face anymore. Good thing he has a great sense of humor!

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