Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friends ?

I have a few relationships wherein I seriously want to be someone's friend, but it just doesn't happen. We just don't quite click. I wonder if it's me or them or just our personalities don't mesh or possibly that we're too similar. I can definitely site problems with my own personality on why things may not go smoothly. I know not everyone's going to be my bff, but it really bothers me when there is conflict anywhere and especially with someone I'd like to be friends with. I don't even know if the other person notices or worries about it like I do (it's a gift... or maybe more like a curse). Does anyone else ever struggle with this?


Lyz said...

Yup. But I've learned to give myself permission to not "click" with someone. There are people that I really like and get along with quite well, but for some reason, that level of intimacy that makes friends so close isn't there. And that's okay. It takes a lot of work to maintain those kind of deep friendships, and frankly, I don't have the time.

I'm certainly thankful for the good friends I DO have, though!

JJ and EJ said...

Thanks Lyz -- I really thought it was just me. Yeah, and these sort of strained friendships do make me cherish the close friendships I DO have. See you soooooon! : )