Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Road Trip, Stop 4

STOP FOUR: Eden Prairie, MN

I think I've mentioned before that my mom has a rather large family (12 brothers and sisters), so it goes without saying that I have a ton of cousins.  We aren't as connected as I'd like to be with everyone spread out everywhere, but recently one of my cousins moved to Minneapolis - Eden Prairie to be exact and we were able to meet up with her and her family --- and it just so happened that one of her brothers and his family was visiting too!  While it was a drive in the opposite direction we were headed, it was worth it!  JJ even told me later that he was glad I had made that arrangement and that my family is so nice.  I am writing this here as proof should I need it later!  ha!

My cousin had set up a delicious meal -- volcano chicken I think it was called -- chicken (with some spices like curry) in a crock pot with rice and a million yummy sides to choose from like pineapple, coconut, peppers, etc!  That, along with fruit and milk, M was beside herself!

Oh, and did I mention my cousin has a pool??  Check off #32 - Go swimming with M (which we have done at LEAST twice a week this summer!).  We had a blast!

M, my cousin S and her guy Z!

Fun pool toys!

My cousin K entertained with his diving/splashing skills!

Check out Z flying in K's splash zone!

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