Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MVJ's New Tricks

Here is the list of MVJ's new tricks:

*giving high fives

*acting accordingly to someone asking, "How big is MVJ??" --- except that she usually only raises her left arm to "Soooooooo big!"  She thinks this is hilarious, too.

*crawling around and getting into everything -- she especially loves to turn on the Blu-Ray player and eat Daddy's headphones for the computer -- we're hoping all this moving around is the reason behind her whopping FOUR OUNCE (actually a little under that) weight gain in three months -- we're headed back in for a weight check in a few weeks

*giggling and laughing and smiling so big - she is quite the little flirt and knows how to work the crowd!

*chewing on her blankie -- I'll put her down in her crib and she'll fuss until I put her blankie over her -- then she chews on the satin outer layer until she falls asleep

*being a naughty naughty either before going to sleep or after she's woken up --- she pulls herself up (thank GOODNESS we already lowered her crib when we realized she was on the move with her crawling), and sometimes her leg will get stuck between the bars -- or just the other day she was slumped in a corner -- she must have fallen after pulling herself up and couldn't get out of that position!  Stinker!  She pulls herself up on other things as well - it's so crazy to see my little baby turn into such a big girl!

*being a naughty naughty on the changing table -- gone are the days of "easy" diaper changes when she would just lay there!  She is a twisty-turny mess -- I've taken to bribing her with a book snack just so I can get the job done without poop on the changing cover!  Oh no!  I just realized the poopetrator is back!

*eating even more table food!  Now I'm worried about her nutrition.  It's so much easier when they just drink boobie juice and then really easy when the food is prepackaged - just make sure to balance out the fruits and veggies... but now it's like... there's a whole world of food just waiting for her!  I read about the dangers of salt and have been trying to avoid that like the plague - but she has eaten (salt free) french fries, soda crackers (unsalted tops), mac and cheese, etc.

I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting will remember as soon as I publish this, but that's all for now!

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