Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blegh... tests... blegh

Today is the official last day of state testing for my kids taking the actual state test anyways (Alternate Assessments start soon!).  PHEW!  I have four groups of students and read each and every test question to them (some multiple times --- like for the reading comprehension, I read the directions, then the questions/choices, then have them read the passage, then read each question/choice again!).  People.  There are FIVE Reading and Language Arts tests and FOUR Math tests x 4 groups... you get the picture, right?  I actually lost my voice Thursday, which was perfect timing (ugh), but thankfully Mrs. W. covered my morning group and Ms. M. covered my next groupie.  Yikes!  I believe I should get workman's comp!

Sometimes it's tough to read each thing and be with a small group because I know what they should be putting and sometimes they just AREN'T!  One of my colleagues said she's stopped looking at which choices her students are making because it's too depressing.  One of my other colleagues said that she purposefully doesn't read the passages (to herself -- we aren't allowed to read the passages aloud because of the skills the state is assessing is students' abilities to read and comprehend on their own) so that she doesn't know which choices are the correct answers.  This is a good plan, really, so she doesn't emphasize the right answer and all that.

I am just trying to make the environment totally relaxed.  Some kids get really nervous about these tests (and some should maybe care a BIT more!).  I guess only time will tell if all of our efforts to do well on these stinkin' tests have paid off!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

I would go nuts. That is all.