Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dental Issues

I am such a bad Mommy.  I haven't been very faithful about brushing my daughter's teeth until recently.  But seriously, WHO would stick her finger protected only by the thin film of her finger tooth brush into a baby's mouth --- especially a mischievous baby with SIX teeth??!  But lately MVJ has taken a huge interest in me brushing my teeth.  Oh, that and her breath started to stink!  I blame eating more "table food".  My baby's getting so big!  Another milestone to check off the list: bad breath.  Oh dear!  Anyways, I've started brushing her teeth at least twice a day.  She LOVES it.  And she's usually really good.  Thank goodness!

As I'm beginning to notice, her attention span is like 2.7 seconds, so breaking up the monotony of herding her away from electronics is a good thing.  I DO think we can try a big girl toothbrush soon too, which is exciting.  Just now as I've been writing this I tried to find the technical name for the "finger tooth brush" so I went to Target's website, only to find out that IS the technical name.  But, after entering "baby toothbrush" this is what came up.  That baby looks way too happy - must be a good thing!  And three months and up?  Where have I been??

Another dental issue?  Men, you can go ahead and be done reading now.  While MVJ hasn't bit me for a very long time, her teeth are just so big that she has been injuring me (a lot) during breastfeeding.  OUCH!  I cried one time.  Seriously.  There has been blood after her eating.  I contacted... well... my SIL LJ's friend, but now I consider her my friend too!... anyways my friend TN for advice.  She gave me some really valuable suggestions, among them a thing called a nipple shield.  I thought like that sounded like an easy fix and tried it out.  Little miss sassy herself was not, I repeat NOT ok with Mommy changing up her feeding situation and ripped it off of me.  OUCH x10.  SO, I have not used one again, and have instead used lots of lansinoh cream to help sooth my skin while it heals.  It has gotten a much thicker skin and that has definitely seemed to help.  Darn vampy (vampire) baby with all these teeth!

1 comment:

jillg said...

:( I'm sorry to hear its been so rough for you! Since Andra got her first two toofers, she's been giving me a hard time too... not biting, but friction that wasn't there before. Hope it gets easier soon!