Monday, November 2, 2009

Poor babe!

Last week, MVJ started getting crud in her nose, which developed into a full-on runny nose, which developed into becoming a demon baby who would not sleep ALL NIGHT SUNDAY NIGHT.  WHICH... developed into her first trip to the clinic that wasn't a well-baby check up.  WHICH developed into her very first diagnosis of EAR INFECTION.  Yuck!  My poor sweet baby girl is sick!  : (  Apparently I got ear infections quite often when I was a baby - let's hope this is NOT one of those things I passed on to my child!  Seriously, one whiff of the amoxicilan brought back memories of that bubble gum medicine that frequented our refridgerator growing up.  Once, my brother actually broke out of his crib to find more of that sweet tasting medicine...

Anyways, today I took a day of "sick child leave" (which is a fabulous thing to have I think).  I know it wasn't completely necessary since JJ is home with her, but I just had to be there.  My BABY WAS SICK!  M-m was just discontent the whole day, becoming super tired crabby and then taking about 15 minute naps before waking up screaming.  In other news, she IS still eating like a trooper... stinker!  But, at the clinic she weighed in at 17 pounds, so obviously she's not porking out as much as I thought she was! 

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