Thursday, May 8, 2008

Laaaast Track Meet

We had our last track practice yesterday and today was the last meet. It has been a really enjoyable season, but it is wonderful to have some free evenings. So funny stories from yesterday:

The kids were just a teensy bit crazy yesterday. They had trouble sitting still. They had trouble listening. They had trouble moving during the game (c'mon - it's track practice - expect some exercise!). This led to some of the coaches being a little on edge. We played flag football. Coach S. was saying he totally could've used flag football in 7th and 8th grade... "C'mon, I was just reaching for your flag." In a totally joking manner, Coach S. swung his keys at another coach Coach H., and it ended with a kid saying, "You just hit him in the bonkers!" It was funny. And then, Coach H. was by the equipment box waiting for the kids to be sent to him to put their flags from flag football in the bin. Coach H. happened to be wearing his flag football belt. Coach S. chatted about the track meet and then sent them away saying, "The first kid to get Coach S.'s flags off is the winner." The funniest thing was that Coach H. had no idea. So all of a sudden all these kids are running at him with their hands outstretched toward his ... "bonkers".?. The quickest one gets there and Coach H. kinda freaks and tackles the kid going at his bonkers. It was HIlarious. Coach S. and I left the kiddos to Coach H. who was staying late that night. I was still laughing so hard I walked right into the building with Coach S. and realized that it was the guy's locker room. Oops! (No one was in there, don't worry!)

Track meet today: Last one and a middle school was caught cheating. In two different ways. Really? I mean really? A middle school track meet? Alrighty then.

Oh! And I am officially a new special educator at my school. I have my first meeting tomorrow to find out who's on my caseload, etc. How exciting! Plus I don't have breakfast duty because of it! Double bonus!

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