Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Officially Addicted

Hi. My name is EJ and I am an Office addict. "Hello EJ..." Yes, it started with an innocent gift from Santa and turned into an outright addiction. Santa gave me Season 2 of the Office, which I was superpumped about. Two of my brothers-in-law BJ and CPJ came for the weekend and we decided to pull them out. We watched ALL of Season 2 and went on to Netflix to watch Season 3. JJ even hooked up the computer to the TV to play them through the TV. It worked out really well after a quick trip with BJ to Target for an S video cord, oh, and of course to Culvers for some custard! If you don't believe I am completely addicted, I will leave you with this statement: I came up with a dance to the opening song. heehee


LC and NC said...

Maybe you should post the video of the dance :)

Lyz said...

Ooh, yeah, do it!

Long live Jim and Pam!