Saturday, September 24, 2011

One of these is not like the other one...

At M's Open House for Preschool, we were chatting with our Pastor (her school is at our Church!) and he asked if C is just like M was when she was a baby and that got us thinking about our kids' similarities and differences.  So at the risk of sounding like a middle school paper, let me take a minute to compare and contrast my beautiful babies.

How are they alike?  Let me count the ways.  Because they are limited.  (Disclaimer - this is their mother talking.)  They are both a-dorable babies.  They are both cuddlers (although M would sleep on people, or in bed with us (shhh!  Don't tell Uncle A!) much more than baby C.  When he's tired, he pretty much wants to be laid down.  Now.  They both love their strollers, going for walks, and being outside.  Praise God!  They both have also loved their carseats (YAY!) and are great travelers (YAY YAY!).  They both have had their stints as Poopetrators (although C seems to be to a somewhat lesser degree, though he certainly has his moments!).  They both have loved baths.  They have each had times that make me want to pull out my hair.  They both melt my heart and bring purpose and focus to my life.    

But I think the most lengthy right now are the differences.  C is still not sleeping through the night and I'm almost POSITIVE M was by the time I was back at work.  C is a paci (and bottle) man, while M refused both.  However, on a side note, she swears she DID need a paci when she was a baby and reveres them now.  :)  C is much quicker to smile than M was - she was a little more on the reserved, curious side.  C is such a lazy baby... put me on my tummy, fine... put me on my back... fine... I'll just hang out and fuss when I want something changed.  M was a mover and shaker from day one (really -- she was even more active in utero)!  Food is a huge difference as well.  M LOVED baby cereal and most every food available to her since then.  C just isn't a fan.  No thanks, guys.  He will be exited for the first bite, realize what it is and pretty much try every trick to not eat from that point on.  It is the same way with medicine, come to think of it.  **Ready for the funny M story of the day??**  Just the other day, JJ was giving M her meddies and she sighed contently and whispered sincerely under her breath, "I love this stuff."  For C, on the other hand, I have to use the baby medicine dropper thing AND a spoon to scoop everything back up because I KNOW it won't be staying in his mouth for any length of time if he has any choice in the matter.        

1 comment:

Lyz said...

C's food thing sounds like Adam's - so I wouldn't worry about him starving. (Which I'm sure is a top concern right now.) And up until just recently, Adam didn't like medicine at all either...but he drank it on his own the other day! Woot! Leah loves medicine, but we still have to "hide" Ben's...