Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Big Boy!

No, not the deliciousness that is a brown cow (you Bizzo-ites are following me right?).  I'm talking about my big boy!  The C-ster is a big six month old and had his big appointment today.  How many times can I use the word big?  Somebody get this girl a thesaurus! 

Ok, anyways!!  The results? 

Weight: 18 lb 2 oz --> 59th percentile
Height: 26.5 in --> 49th percentile
Head Circ: 43.5 cm --> 40th percentile

No vaccines, BUT a Rx for amoxicillin... and a diagnosis of a double ear infection.  Arrg...  Poor guy, he tugged on his ears a little bit, but was not super fussy - and when he was we assumed teeth (two more coming in on top!).

Funny M story of the day:
While I was talking to the doctor I set M up with some crayons and a coloring page (thanks to our wonderful and thoughtful daycare gal).  I was answering questions and estimating milk intake, hours of rest, you know just crunching the numbers, when Dr. W says, "Oh honey, let's not color there."  M had taken it upon herself to start coloring on the walls -- something she has never done before!  (Tables, YES, walls, no.)  Of COURSE why not start in public??  M got superduper embarrassed and started all out bawling.  Dr. W felt absolutely terrible, but I maintained that M a) needs to not be coloring on walls! and b) needs to be ok with being corrected - especially so kindly by any adult.  Sweet thing did eventually calm down.  When we talked about it later in the car, she said, "I was crying because I just REALLY wanted to color on the wall!"  Well, I guess at least she was honest!


Lanae Brown said...

Poor honey with an ear infection! But other than that, he sounds healthy with those stats!
That's an awesome M story! At least she tried it somewhere else and not your house, you didn't have to clean it up. Sounds like my little drama-mama, crying with every scolding, that's why I can laugh at you! :)

Jessica said...

Yeah, Jalen's first wall coloring came right after Jeremy painted our kitchen! (you can still see the artwork if you haven't yet, we haven't gotten around to painting over it).