Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus!

M has started school.  SUCH a big girl!  She has done so well with this big transition and I'm assuming things are going well.  I haven't gotten any phone calls yet anyways!  : )  I'll have to grill her teacher at Church.  Yes, I probably will be that Mom.  Maybe not quite to the point of one of my kiddos' parents, who had this to say the first time I met her: "I'm a helicopter mom, but I'm harmless."  I was a little worried by that statement, even with the bit of sugar at the end, but it couldn't be more true.  She is one of the sweetest ladies ever with her kiddo's best interests at heart.  ANYWAYS!

Every school day, M comes home with a sticker of what her job was for the day.  She's been a table washer, snack helper, flag holder, you name it.  I love this little conversation starter.  She's also brought home some really cool artwork, like a homemade "Chicka-chicka Boom Boom" tree, complete with letters cut out of a magazine.  It is WAY too cute!!  M has also had show and tell already (Oops - I was the Mom who forgot to send something her first turn...).  She decided on a cupcake out of her "Magic Princess Baking Set" from Grandma and Grandpa!

I don't know if this has to do with school time, or what, but M is also a little infatuated with buses.  She is scared to actually ride them, or the first time she saw one up close, but when we're driving in the mornings, she is on. the. lookout.  She's also started this hilarious thing.  So... with that... here's the

Funny M Story of the Day:
M has started awarding prizes for finding a bus.  I have no idea where she picked this up from.  I actually was probing her about where she heard it, and she got a little defensive and said, "M said it!!"  Monday, she declared, "If we see a bus we get TEN MINUTES!!!"  Maybe it's that whole rushing out the door that makes her value ten minutes?  Tuesday it was "50 MILLION DOLLARS!"  And today, when I saw a bus?  TWENTY DOLLARS! 

Hey, what happened to the millions??  Anyways, she just cracks me up all the stinking time.

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