Saturday, October 8, 2011


I was so planning on this being more regular than it has been!  : ) 

Quite updates:
C-man has taken to food little-by-little.  Praise God!  Not that we were overly concerned at this point, but just that it's so much easier when kiddos want to eat!  He's been a bit fussier than his normal happy self lately, which we are attributing to teeth.  Those darn teeth sure terrorize the whole body.  He's napping now, but it's been like every three hours at night for the past couple of nights and that just is tough on a Momma.  Especially tough is when the big sister has trouble, too.  Last night she must've had a weird dream because she came into our room - no crying, no words at all - and laid down on our floor and slept the rest of the night.  She did crawl around and slept just about every available square inch of our floor though!  I was too tired to put her back to bed and she slept, so whatever.  But back to the C-ster.  He continues to love being outside and also enjoys his exersaucer, but MOSTLY just wants to be held every waking moment!  He watches EVERYTHING big sister does!

M is just our biggest girl.  She has been getting better at using kind words, which we love!  She also has been a huge helper lately.  She will bring C a toy, play more independently, help clean up, and go potty on her own --- in fact --- the other day we were playing outside with our neighbors (oh, they are so wonderful!  We are loving getting to know them!) and she was squirting away (her continued favorite activity from when she went to M's house last year) when all of a sudden she ran inside.  I thought she needed more water or something, so I slowly made my way after her - turns out she just had to go potty and had come in by herself, went potty, wiped, flushed and was washing her hands when I got to her.  Proud moment!  It's the little things people! She also LOVES letters and "writing".    GOOOOOO SCHOOL!

JJ is at the tail-end of his Neuro II section -- praise God!  Neuro just isn't his all-time favorite subject - it's not bad information to know, it's just that it's not his fav.  Neuro II has proved to me a lot of psychiatry stuff, too, which definitely isn't something he's interested in pursuing.  BUT Friday he had to present a neuro case to a panel of three neurologists and got a 100% on his presentation.  Woot!  That's my little doctor!  I'm so proud of him.  I poke fun a little with calling him my little doctor and whatever, but seriously words can't express how fascinated I am by how much he knows and is able to do even now, with two and a half years to go before even residency.  I've told a lot of people this, so sorry if you've heard it, but I'm living in this juxtaposition (huh... just looked it up and that's not the actual word I mean... I'll describe what I'm thinking and maybe you can help me out with the word!).  It's like on one hand I revere doctors and believe what they tell me 100%.  In my world they are completely on a pedestal because they hold the key to health, which is something I truly value.  AND on the other hand, does JJ REALLY need to know every stinking detail of this, that and the other thing??  : )  Know what I mean? 

And me?  Let's see, I'm very happy at my job in the middle school.  I have a somewhat dicey parent situation in the works, but have total support from my principal/VP/school psych, etc, so I'm not too worried, it just makes for some tense moments.  And if you know me at all, you know that I score about a -10 on the confrontation meter.  I'm not confident with confrontation and I hate it when I'm in sticky situations through no fault of my own!  I dealt with the mother lode of sticky situations last year so when I was chatting with a gal from district about my current one, she was just like, seriously do NOT go to the casino.  I don't know how these things happen to me!  : )  What else?  I've tried a few new recipes - some of them total flops (I'll be the first to admit that!) and a few that have made their way to the regular rotation!  Even with JJ super busy, I've just really enjoyed the last week with my kids.  I go back to a conversation I had with my Grandma on her birthday -- I sometimes get caught up in what life might be like for us in 10 years when JJ is practicing as a physician... but my goal is to be present in the now and making the most of our lives NOW.

Yada, yada, yada!  That's us in a nutshell right now!

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