Monday, September 19, 2011

Pee in a Cup

I didn't quite know how to label this post, so I'm just throwing it out there.

Tuesday evening our daycare gal texted mentioning that M was complaining of it hurting when she was going potty and M doing some itching.  Oh great!  I consulted with my personal doctor-to-be AKA Daddy, and he said it could be a UTI or possibly a yeast infection so it'd be a good idea to get it checked out.

We met up with our favorite NP, AM, who said that she wanted to rule out a UTI and requested that miss M pee in a cup.  Ok friends.  This may sound like a simple task.  Or maybe not for those of you with children or a bad personal experience?  BUT, FIRST OF ALL, M did not have to go potty.  I coaxed her with her sippy and we read and hung out.  She decided she wanted to try so I lugged C-man, three alcohol wipes, a pee cup, and a wide-eyed-with-anticipation toddler into the nearest restroom.  She thought the wipes were pretty cool, but Mommy sticking a cup under her, not so much.  She declared that she did NOT have to go.  It sure appeared that she was trying, so I decided to not force the issue.  We washed up and with slight embarrassment, let the nurse know that we hadn't quite peed in the cup yet. 

We went back to "our room" for some more water and stories.  The nurse set some more supplies on the counter, and about two seconds later M declared that she really had to go now!  Riiiight.  Those darn wipes were so appealing... I tried to have her wait a little bit more, but you know that the first rule of kids is that you don't mess around when they say they have to go potty.  At any rate, we did eventually end up back in the bathroom for a second strike.  After we walked back to our room with our tails between our legs, the nurse came by with a big surprise for the M-girl: an apple juice box.  WHAT?!  Apple juice is like liquid gold to miss thing.  She sucked it down and really, but this time C is just done with the whole experience, and I realize that I don't even have a diaper bag in the car.  Yikes!  A short while later, M declared that YES, this time she really did, in fact, NEED to use the restroom.  I got (I'll admit it) a little crabby and was like you BETTER be peeing in that cup woman.  Or else.  Something.

We get her bottom all re-sanitized, plunk her down on the potty, and she tries and tries but does not go.  I've just about had it but being crabby never really does solve anything, so I just admit defeat and toss the cup into the garbage.  At that very moment, I hear a tinkle.  In one fell swoop, I grab that container, shove it under M's bottom and catch about five seconds worth of pee stream, but seriously, it's the best we could do.  The nurses must've seen my harried expression because they declared that they could make it work!  I decided not to mention that this particular pee cup had been in the garbage.  It just wasn't worth it since the whole garbage was practically full of our garbage in the first place.

End of story?  M was prescribed meds for a yeast infection and Mom had a new story to blog about.  : ) hehe


Lanae Brown said...

Oh my, I love this story! I can certainy imagine how hard that would be to get a toddler to perform like this. You did great! Hopefully she is feeling better and you won't have to go back for round 2!

Lyz said...

"Thank you Lord for never making me try to get a kid to pee in a cup. So far. Amen."