Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doctor Appointments

M and I both had doctor appointments this Monday.  M had her big two year appointment and I had my 35 weeker.  It's remediation week for J, so he has it off and got the pleasure of taking Miss M.  She basically cried the whole time and screamed during her shots.  Good times, good times.  Here are her stats:

height-- 33 inches (28th percentile)
weight-- 29 pounds (78th percentile)
head circumference-- 49 (85th percentile)

Such a big girl!  I was very surprised her height wasn't higher and her weight wasn't lower!  She does have a cutie poochy-pooch, and her sweets obsession comes straight from Momma.  We'll be working on ooh-ing and aah-ing over fruits and vegetables more!  : )  And that head?  It's ALL J : ).

Next up was my appointment after school.  Again, since JJ is off, he came along and brought M with him.  I forgot that I'd be getting the strep test thingy (requiring, you know, my doctor getting down there).  It probably wasn't the exact best appointment to have M at, but my doctor did a really good job of covering me up and all that.  Anyways!!  I got the strep test thingy, and since I was laying on the table, the doctor decided to "check" me.  Surprise!  Surprise!  I was 3 cm dilated!  Yippee!  We're on our way!  And BOO!  I really want to keep him there until Spring Break.  I've been *trying* to take it easy in hopes that we can stay at 3 for another 3 weeks!

M talks a lot about hearing baby brother's heartbeat, so that's supercute.  Hopefully she's making a connection with baby.  She also talks about Mommy laying down at the doctor.  But the FUNNIEST thing from that appointment?  When I sat back up at the end of the appointment, M said, "Mommy all done with diaper change."  : )


Lyz said...

Oh that's funny! Leah came to all my doctor appts when I was preggo with Ben, but I left both of them at home as often as I could for Adam's prenatal appt. And I think for that lovely strep test appt Aaron took Ben into the hallway...that's just not an image you want your 3 yr old boy to have burned into his memory!:)

Tara said...

Oh my, that was definitely good for a laugh this morning. The diaper change comment definitely made me laugh so hard I might have peed a little! And here's to short kiddos, maybe they will hit their growth spurt some day! Yay for being dilated, I can't wait to hear what you named that cute little baby.

JJ and EJ said...

Yeah, we're going to see if someone will watch M on Monday when I have another appointment... at least JJ will be there again so he can stay in the waiting room at the very least. Sorry Tara, I should've put a disclaimer for all my preggo friends! ; )