Sunday, February 27, 2011

More thoughts on baby...

For those of you sick of hearing about baby... sorry... it's what's on my mind right now!   

Time is flying by.  For example, at school I only have ONE full week and THREE days to plan for (the other two being staff development/training/grading days) before Spring Break (and my induction date).  It's just plain crazy.  And speaking of school, this week they threw me a "Sprinkle"!  : )  How cute is that?!?  You know how usually you only have a baby shower for your first baby?  Well, my friends said they like to celebrate it ALL, but maybe not on such a grand scale, so it's a sprinkle instead of a shower!  

I'm bigger than I have ever been.  But seriously.  2 1/2 weeks left.  CRAZY!  I basically have to eat five small meals a day because I'm hungry but can't physically fit all the food in in one sitting.  Water intake has also increased dramatically, but with very careful planning I've only been averaging two bathroom breaks a night!  Before when baby would kick it'd be like, "Oh there he is!" but now he's EVERYWHERE!

I brought home four books from the library about new babies so we've ALL got baby on the brain.  The other day M said, "Go get baby brother!  At the door!"  Like, I'm ready, let's just go get him!  She also wants to hold one of his diapers while she gets her diaper changed.  She is just fascinated by them, and I can't help being taken up in the fascination as well.  They're just so... little!  I know she will be a great big sister, I'm just not sure how the initial transition will go ---- even visiting at the hospital and then leaving, without Mommy and baby brother.  

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