Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oooooh Looooord!

M is our little singer.  She just cracks me up.  She turns everything into a song, but also has a few staples that she sticks with.  She is in love with the few singing DVDs she has - like two Baby Genius ones she got for her birthday.  She requests Old Macdonald on it EVERY time she sees it (I'm sure there'll be a scratch with that one because it gets repeated all. the. time.).  If you ask her something like, "Do you want to sing Grandma a song?" it's ALWAYS "Baa-baa Black Sheet".  But at night?  Then it's all about Kumbaya.  She has a few standbys like "Someone's singing Lord!" and "Someone's drinking Lord!" (from when she was taking a sip of her water while I was rocking her one night.  She thought it was hilarious.  I'm such a hit with the two-year crowd...)  Lately even during the day I've heard snip its of it and it is just so funny to hear her belting out "Oooh Looooooord!"  Sweet girl!    


Unknown said...
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The Elwells' Weekly said...

Ok...I accidently just left a message under my hubby's account so if you are wondering who the Ron is that deleted his message...that would be me!

What I put was that I LOVE little girl's singing! L has been singing The B.I.B.L.E. song lately. It sounds mostly like a jumble of letters but at the end she always yells out clear and strong...Bible! Too cute!

JJ and EJ said...

Love it!! Isn't it so fun hearing those sweet words out of their mouths too?? I love that she's gaining great Christian vocabulary through her singing!