Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Hubby!

I have the best husband.  Sorry ladies.  If you're looking for proof, just scroll down and see the previous post!!  Yum-o!  And he enjoys doing that.  Yeah.  Today his big big request was that M sing happy birthday to him (which she has been randomly singing tons lately).  I prepped her in the morning, while letting him sleep in (yaaaaaaay snow days!), and as soon as he walked out of our room, she was ready with a hug and a song.  It was pretty darn cute! 

I was commenting on how great a gift it was to wake up (meaning after sleeping in) and JJ was all, "Jeez, I'm not THAT old!!"  I inadvertently made several more jabs at the old man (for about four months, he's one year older than me!) like writing "Nature gave you one more day at home with us." on facebook (referring to the snow day!).

Love you honey! 

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