Monday, February 28, 2011

Another appointment

Lots of great news at my latest appointment today... however as someone with a set timeline in mind... it could be a little scary!

Great news -- I'm still at a 3!  Maybe we can stay there two more weeks?  Huh?  Whaddaya think Mr. Man?
Good news -- he's head down.
Scary news (to me, but in reality, more great news) -- my doctor said like probably three times throughout my appointment, "His head is RIGHT THERE."  She also mentioned, "I think you'll have a very quick delivery!  Your body is READY to go!"  And of course, "I think you'll have a very easy induction.... IF we make it that far!"  Oh, and the old, "See you in a week..... IF not before......"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

More thoughts on baby...

For those of you sick of hearing about baby... sorry... it's what's on my mind right now!   

Time is flying by.  For example, at school I only have ONE full week and THREE days to plan for (the other two being staff development/training/grading days) before Spring Break (and my induction date).  It's just plain crazy.  And speaking of school, this week they threw me a "Sprinkle"!  : )  How cute is that?!?  You know how usually you only have a baby shower for your first baby?  Well, my friends said they like to celebrate it ALL, but maybe not on such a grand scale, so it's a sprinkle instead of a shower!  

I'm bigger than I have ever been.  But seriously.  2 1/2 weeks left.  CRAZY!  I basically have to eat five small meals a day because I'm hungry but can't physically fit all the food in in one sitting.  Water intake has also increased dramatically, but with very careful planning I've only been averaging two bathroom breaks a night!  Before when baby would kick it'd be like, "Oh there he is!" but now he's EVERYWHERE!

I brought home four books from the library about new babies so we've ALL got baby on the brain.  The other day M said, "Go get baby brother!  At the door!"  Like, I'm ready, let's just go get him!  She also wants to hold one of his diapers while she gets her diaper changed.  She is just fascinated by them, and I can't help being taken up in the fascination as well.  They're just so... little!  I know she will be a great big sister, I'm just not sure how the initial transition will go ---- even visiting at the hospital and then leaving, without Mommy and baby brother.  

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New to me!

So we're 37 weeks.  It's crazy.  People know it's my second so they assume I know what to do from here.  But I don't really think we can count last time almost at all.  Well, I DO remember contractions (had a few last weekend!) and the intensity of pushing and delivery.  BUT that was all done when a) I was very, very sick and b) on magnesium.  We took a tour of the hospital I'll be delivering at (it seems very nice) and the lady got my health history, took down my birth plan, and filled in as much as possible of the birth certificate (mostly just missing that all important DATE!). 

Back up a second... birth plan... just a routine, normal delivery please!  I think we're ALL aware (if you remember my last experience) that I'm very open to an epidural.  But, there's this feeling of, well... pride? determination? Actually I think it's maybe confidence... that I CAN do it!  Hey, I did it while a) being very, very sick and b) on magnesium.  So, birth plan: natural but open to an epidural.  : )  We'll see what happens from there!

Ok, and the whole when will we even GO to the hospital?  Will my water break?  What do I do THEN?!  I've called my Mom in a panic.  Should I be bringing extra clothes to work?  Will pads help? 

I've been parking superclose to the door at school and I mentioned to one of my friends, "I've been parking close just in case I need to leave!" She quickly responded, "Wait a second!  IF you need to leave, you're telling one of us and WE'RE driving you to the hospital!"  Oh, yeah... that's probably a good idea...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oooooh Looooord!

M is our little singer.  She just cracks me up.  She turns everything into a song, but also has a few staples that she sticks with.  She is in love with the few singing DVDs she has - like two Baby Genius ones she got for her birthday.  She requests Old Macdonald on it EVERY time she sees it (I'm sure there'll be a scratch with that one because it gets repeated all. the. time.).  If you ask her something like, "Do you want to sing Grandma a song?" it's ALWAYS "Baa-baa Black Sheet".  But at night?  Then it's all about Kumbaya.  She has a few standbys like "Someone's singing Lord!" and "Someone's drinking Lord!" (from when she was taking a sip of her water while I was rocking her one night.  She thought it was hilarious.  I'm such a hit with the two-year crowd...)  Lately even during the day I've heard snip its of it and it is just so funny to hear her belting out "Oooh Looooooord!"  Sweet girl!    

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ready... set.... GO!

We're officially ready for the little man to show up!  JJ checked lots of things off my list last week (during his remediation week --- yay for my smart hubby who didn't have to retest!), including moving the crib to our room, and rotating three chairs around!  M LOVES having a big chair in her room now - and Mommy and M fit together on it much better than the rocking chair that was previously there.  My bum and belly just were NOT making room for her during nuh-nigh reading sessions.  What other things tell us we're ready?
  • We had THE TOUR!  Woohoo!  We know where we're going this time!  I'm impressed with the hospital we're delivering at and just totally excited now that we've been there.
  • Our carseat is installed - complete with the warm top cover thingy and rolled receiving blankets in case this little guy needs a little support like M-girl did.  
  • All newborn... well... really to 3 month clothes are washed and put away where they'll be while he stays in our room (oh! and they are SO cute and little!).  I also have an organizer ready to go for when he moves into his next residence.
  • I guess along with clothes, the burp clothes, swaddles, Halo bundles, receiving blankets, diapers and wipes are all stocked and ready to go as well.
  • Our bags are packed - I did this a while ago I must admit.  JJ did an awesome job packing for me while I was AT the hospital last time, but I'd rather not go without a bra for a week again... ; )
  • The little baby chair thing that sings and vibrates is set up in the living room.  It is currently M's favorite place for her babies, so that could take a minor adjustment on her part...
  • I ordered a bumbo cover on Etsy.  I know Mr. Man won't be in it for a while, but I just couldn't put a sweet boy in a purple bumbo! 
  • I've been shaving my legs daily -- this is a biggie folks.  But, you just never know... ; )
I know more little things have been taken care of, but this list is already long.  I'm so excited... now it's just a waiting game!  

Saturday, February 19, 2011


We had so much fun celebrating M's 2nd birthday!  On the actual day, we had a low-key celebration with Jimmy Johns, cupcakes and a few gifts.  Thursday JJ had his last final of final's week (phew!), I had a full day of conferences (mostly IEP meetings), and my parents drove to visit us - getting in around 9:00 pm.  Friday morning M woke up and was so excited when Grandma and Grandpa came in to greet her!  They had presents for M from them, including a DORA KITCHEN, and Great G&G and she was pretty much in heaven.  Great G&G sent along some money for M to go shopping and Grandma and Grandpa had bought a ton of diapers (woohoo!!!) and gotten some Target gift cards (you know how they have those deals).  Anyways -- so M had quite a bit of money to put in her little purse.  We picked out a cute little teaset but M was enamored with a little shopping cart full of "food".  Of course G&G weren't able to put either back so M got BOTH!  It all goes perfectly with her new kitchen!!

After Target, we headed to the KC Children's Museum -- AKA Wonderscope.  I was expecting a bit more of a museum-feel, but it was so kid friendly--it was great!  It's in an old school building and each room has a different theme.  M had SO MUCH FUN.  We would try to get her to leave a room to check out a new one, and she'd just drop everything and run to the next one.  : )  Her favorite was one just for kids two and under - with slides, ramps, and a wavy floors.  But other themes were: art, legos, farm to market, visiting the doctor, etc.  After the museum we hit up Fritz's Railroad Restaurant, where the food is delivered via train!  The food was less-than-impressive but the atmosphere was so cool!  Then we took my Mom to a great fabric store (recommended by a friend (CM) at work) and JJ took Dad to an antique store, where he found a ton of cool old pennies.  I found two cute girl clothing patterns.  I KNOW it's like a sin asking a quilter to sew clothes, but for some reason things relating to the grandkiddos just get DONE.  : )  Actually, as I type, my Mom texted me a picture of the bubble skirt she made at a sewing retreat she's at this weekend! 

Oh, Friday night JJ and I also took advantage of my parents being there and headed out for a DATE!!  YAY!  We decided to hit up J. Alexander's, and thought it was very yummy.  I wanted to order a club sandwich but changed my order when JJ threatened to walk out.  (He also doesn't like it when I order things like BLTs, pancakes, and mac and cheese.  I have a toddler's taste buds... what can I say??!)  We even saved (a little) room for desert ---- mmmmm creme brulee.

Saturday - we headed to Union Station for the train exhibit (again) - M loves it.  Then we picked up OK Joe's BBQ.  It was funny -- downtown, in a GAS STATION, with very little room is this amazing little BBQ restaurant.  We headed home, ate some BBQ, and M went down for a nap again.  During this nap time, my Mom, Dad and I headed out to one more quilt shop and antique store.  I found some cute fabric on sale that my Mom bought for a third outfit for M, but Dad came up empty handed at this antique store.  THEN, the craziness began as we helped JJ finish up supper and M's crazy three layered birthday cake, cleaned up, and did last minute organizing for M's big party. 

We had two family friends over for desert and had such a great time.  The Ps (M's daycare gal, her hubby and two kiddos) and the Hs (our Bible Study leaders, and son J).  I've always thought M was quite the sharer until I realized THAT night that she'd never had friends over to our house!  : )  It was a bit of a transition, with some tears and "MINE!"s, but eventually all kiddos were playing happily.  I had so much fun introducing my parents to some of our friends here.  M was SPOILED way too much with gifts and the cake was absolutely delicious!  Good thing we had friends and my parents over - because I still ended up eating a little bit every night for almost a week! 

Sunday we had Church, then shared our fav. Mexican restaurant with my parents.  Mmmm -- Mi Ranchito.  We first tried it when I got a gift card from a very sweet student for Christmas.  Naps (for Momma too this time!), a nice walk, and even some yogurt were on the docket for Sunday afternoon.  Then, M broke out her new music DVDs.  We were dancing fools, mostly because if ANYONE sat down, they received a stern chastising from M.

Monday morning was a rough day for M because she woke up ready for more play with Grandma and Grandpa, who were both wide awake at about 4:00 am, so they decided to hit the road and get home early.  We so enjoyed having my parents here and are SO thankful they made the trip down to visit us!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doctor Appointments

M and I both had doctor appointments this Monday.  M had her big two year appointment and I had my 35 weeker.  It's remediation week for J, so he has it off and got the pleasure of taking Miss M.  She basically cried the whole time and screamed during her shots.  Good times, good times.  Here are her stats:

height-- 33 inches (28th percentile)
weight-- 29 pounds (78th percentile)
head circumference-- 49 (85th percentile)

Such a big girl!  I was very surprised her height wasn't higher and her weight wasn't lower!  She does have a cutie poochy-pooch, and her sweets obsession comes straight from Momma.  We'll be working on ooh-ing and aah-ing over fruits and vegetables more!  : )  And that head?  It's ALL J : ).

Next up was my appointment after school.  Again, since JJ is off, he came along and brought M with him.  I forgot that I'd be getting the strep test thingy (requiring, you know, my doctor getting down there).  It probably wasn't the exact best appointment to have M at, but my doctor did a really good job of covering me up and all that.  Anyways!!  I got the strep test thingy, and since I was laying on the table, the doctor decided to "check" me.  Surprise!  Surprise!  I was 3 cm dilated!  Yippee!  We're on our way!  And BOO!  I really want to keep him there until Spring Break.  I've been *trying* to take it easy in hopes that we can stay at 3 for another 3 weeks!

M talks a lot about hearing baby brother's heartbeat, so that's supercute.  Hopefully she's making a connection with baby.  She also talks about Mommy laying down at the doctor.  But the FUNNIEST thing from that appointment?  When I sat back up at the end of the appointment, M said, "Mommy all done with diaper change."  : )

Keeping my feet up

and entering some give-aways!

1.  Kiddo CD
2. Car Seat Canopy -- I really, really want to win this one!!
3.  Chicken Soup for the Soul -- I used to love these books -- and I may need some inspiration to lose the baby weight!
4.  GreenPan -- hey, how did you KNOW we needed a new wok?  ; )
5.  Birthday Express -- how crazy is that??  I was just telling you about this magazine I got!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Drumroll please... THE RESULTS!

M’s 2nd Birthday Quiz!
Multiple Choice:
1.        What song does M’s “medley” usually start with?
b.      Baa-baa Black Sheep --- and then morphs into the other songs!
2.       What medical condition did M have a few months ago?
b.      Nursemaid’s Elbow --- AND the doctor made her better!
3.       What profession have we recently discovered M would be perfect for?
c.       Play-by-play Announcer
4.       What is M’s current favorite movie?
a.       A Day on Old MacDonald’s Farm --- Daddy had to say NO MORE the other day after watching it about 3 times in a row!
5.       What is M’s chore of choice?
c.       Sweeping --- which she does with a flyswatter...
6.       What is M’s most often breakfast request?
c.       Marshy cereal (Lucky Charms) --- and she picks out all the marshmallows!  Stinker!

7.       M’s favorite line from a book, “Now who in the world did that?” comes from which book?
a.       Corduroy --- though she does love the other books too!

8.       Why does M enjoy going to our grocery store?
b.      Riding the horsey --- and it's free!  Yippee!  GO Hy-Vee!
9.       How many different photoshoots has M had so far?
a.       8 --- I know, I know... and I'm NOT counting any impromptu ones with Mommy's camera...
10.   What is M’s favorite TV show?
c.       Wheel of Fortune --- she requests "Fortune" all the time!

Short Answer:
1.       What does M say when being cuddled? --- "Oooo baby!"
2.       What is M’s current favorite phrase? --- "M do it!"
3.       What animal is M most like right now (and why!)?  --- An elephant --- she does NOT forget anything!
4.       Where does M think her baby brother is?  --- I was just looking for funny responses.  Really, mostly Mommy's tummy, but sometimes her own tummy or Daddy's!
      5.   What is M's favorite car activity? --- Driving!  She LOVES to sit in "Mommy's chair!" and even buckles up...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

M's Birthday Quiz! Good luck!

M’s 2nd Birthday Quiz!
Multiple Choice:
1.        What song does M’s “medley” usually start with? 
a.       Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
b.      Baa-baa Black Sheep
c.       The Wheels on the Bus
2.       What medical condition did M have a few months ago?
a.       Pneumonia
b.      Nursemaid’s Elbow
c.       Cyanosis
3.       What profession have we recently discovered M would be perfect for?
a.       Interior Decorator
b.      Teacher
c.       Play-by-play Announcer
4.       What is M’s current favorite movie?
a.       A Day on Old MacDonald’s Farm
b.      A CareBears Movie
c.       Blue’s Clues
5.       What is M’s chore of choice?
a.       Taking out the garbage
b.      Vacuuming
c.       Sweeping
6.       What is M’s most often breakfast request?
a.       O-meal (oatmeal)
b.      Waffs (waffles)
c.       Marshy cereal (Lucky Charms)
7.       M’s favorite line from a book, “Now who in the world did that?” comes from which book?
a.       Corduroy
b.      Down on the Farm
c.       Llama Llama Red Pajama
8.       Why does M enjoy going to our grocery store?
a.       Taste-tests
b.      Riding the horsey
c.       Pushing her own cart
9.       How many different photoshoots has M had so far?
a.       8
b.      12
c.       5
10.   What is M’s favorite TV show?
a.       Sid the Science Kid
b.      The news
c.       Wheel of Fortune

Short Answer:
1.       What does M say when being cuddled?
2.       What is M’s current favorite phrase?
3.       What animal is M most like right now (and why!)?
4.       Where does M think her baby brother is?
      5.   What is M's favorite car activity?

Ahhhh memories...

My baby is TWO.  TWO.  two.  It's crazy.  We're working on holding up two fingers, but she mostly looks like she's rocking out, which is pretty cute too.  I cannot get to this day and not remember almost exactly what happened.  Some of the exact numbers and times are fading, but I can STILL feel that absolute shock and awe when the doctor said that we were going to have this baby earlier than expected - like TODAY.  I can still feel the hustle and bustle around me getting IVs and being "checked".  The fascination at learning what a contraction was and that, hey, I'd been having those all day.  Oh, and that magnesium.  If you've not done it, I just can't tell you.  But if you have.  Oh.  YUCK.  I sympathize sister.  And then.  THEN.  This baby who was and is absolutely perfect.  Brings tears to my eyes even now.

Happy 2nd birthday to my beautiful baby girl.  You made me a Mommy and I love you so much!  Ok, that's all for now besides the links to those first few posts because I can't type through my tears!!  : ) 

and... here!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This is my current working to-do list, so I'm updating!  : )

My evenings seem to be full lately.  I love spending time with M but it's sad because this week I've been ready to put her to bed in the evening so I can attack my to-do list (oh and by the way, I do enjoy spending time with JJ too but it's finals week, so let's face it, a lot of hang out time is just not on either of our lists!).  Some things that ARE on the list?

  • Finish M's bday presents! (only thing left to do was sew two applique t-shirts) --- check! --- but I still need to pick up the photobook I ordered from shutterfly that is currently at The Office of our apartment complex!)
  • Bake her bday cupcakes to take to daycare (bright colors, piped on m's - supercute!) --- check!
  • Sweep/swiffer the entryway -- check!
  • Clean the bathrooms --- one done!
  • Clean the refrigerator --- check!
  • Clean by the garbage --- check!
  • Attack the paper pile by the computer
  • Wrap M's presents
  • Finish her birthday card
  • Finish 3 IEPs for three meetings I have Thursday (Parent-teacher Conferences make perfect opportunities to meet!) -- two done, one *almost* there -- still have paperwork to go with them, though.  boo.
  • Laundry (two loads done...)
  • Get guest room ready for my parents (woohoo!  They'll be here Thursday evening!)
  • Finish birthday party favors (thank goodness I only need to make four!)
  • Plan a few meals for this weekend/grocery shop

And what am I doing?  Facebooking and blogging.  Now that I have it all listed out I'm sure I'll be more motivated!  : )

Friday, February 4, 2011

Birthday Extravaganza!

Ugh... It's 3:18 and I am wide awake.  I am so annoyed.  Good thing I only have one day of work left!  While I'm up, I thought I'd do a quick post on this superfun magazine I got in the mail.  February is all about birthdays for us in the J household with M and JJ being exactly a week apart (well, a week and 27 years...). HOPEFULLY Mr. Man decides to make March a fun birthday month too!  I swear March can be fun baby boy!  Hang in there!

Anyways!  The magazine is called "Birthday Express" and it is filled with way fun birthday party supplies.  Check out to see for yourself.  I especially love the wall decals that could be used even after the party!  I got tons of ideas, and then JJ said I bet KC has a few good party supply stores.  So yesterday when M and I had cabin fever and needed to get out of the house, we frequented one such store.  There we were, roaming the aisles with nothing better to do than make M the happiest two year old ever. 

haha, it was more like WHAT do you like?!  Princesses?  Fairies?  My Little Ponies like your toothpaste?  How about Dora -- you love dancing to your DVD from Uncle W and S?  Hello Kitty?  You've kind of started liking Elmo and Abby Cadabby...  Way, way, way too many choices -- and seriously I've NEVER been good at making decisions and while pregnant I am downright hopeless.  The one thing M DID respond to was the M&Ms in the candy aisle.  Wait a second!  M&Ms!  That could be cute!  And easy!  Just think -- easy cupcake decorating... easy tableware and accessories... easy invitations I could make!  Woohoo!  AND M&Ms for M!

So, that sealed the deal.  We are superexcited to have my parents coming down to celebrate M's big day with us.  It just didn't seem right to not be able to celebrate with family and I'm so grateful to my parents for making the big sacrifices they are to drive down here!  We also decided that we'd invite two families over to celebrate with us - I wish we could invite a whole slew of friends for an extravagant party - but desert and cute kiddos running around will have to do for this year. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Applique - step by step

I have had a lot of fun trying this new applique thing.  I'm pretty good at getting obsessed with something for about a week and getting over it.  But here we go, this is what I'm currently into!  PLEASE don't look too closely at all the weird things I do and many, many mistakes I make - this has just been a very fun thing for me to do!

Step one --- I bought some iron-on applique material (I found it at Walmart - so it's most likely at any craft/fabric store).  I also washed the t-shirt and fabric.   My Mom and SIL BOTH said I should also get Wonder-Under -- for stabilizing the fabric when I sewed it, but I was impatient and didn't have it RIGHT THEN, so I skipped that step.  : )

Step 2 --- I picked out my applique design.  I've been using my cricut to make the pattern - when it's something I have - otherwise I have just used Word images or searched the internet.

Step 3 --- Put the applique pattern backwards on the applique material - paper side up (I've messed this step up... lots...) -- and cut it out - you can be generous with the size - you'll be cutting this down exactly later when it's already on the material.

Step 4 --- Now, with paper side up, iron applique material to the wrong side of your material.  Read the directions on your applique material - mine said to just press it down for about 3 seconds.

Step 5 --- I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but then I just trace my pattern (backwards still!) onto the paper part of my applique material.

Step 6 --- Carefully cut out your pattern (for the middle parts of this one, I (and by "I" I mean... JJ....) used an x-acto knife) and then peel off the paper.

Step 7 --- Now, with applique pattern right side up (sticky side down), decide where you want it positioned and iron it on.  Again read the directions - mine said to hold down my iron for about 7 seconds for this step.

Step 8 --- Admire your work, and show it off to your hubby/mother/friend - whoever is close by.

Step 9 --- Last, but not least, sew just inside the pattern.  I tried to do the freestyle sewing on my machine and it just wasn't happening.  So, I put the feeder foot back on (I think this is the right terminology... I'm sure real sewers are having a good laugh!).  Some of the curves proved to be a bit tricky for me, but I think having a homemade item look not quite perfect has a certain charm of its own!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Hubby!

I have the best husband.  Sorry ladies.  If you're looking for proof, just scroll down and see the previous post!!  Yum-o!  And he enjoys doing that.  Yeah.  Today his big big request was that M sing happy birthday to him (which she has been randomly singing tons lately).  I prepped her in the morning, while letting him sleep in (yaaaaaaay snow days!), and as soon as he walked out of our room, she was ready with a hug and a song.  It was pretty darn cute! 

I was commenting on how great a gift it was to wake up (meaning after sleeping in) and JJ was all, "Jeez, I'm not THAT old!!"  I inadvertently made several more jabs at the old man (for about four months, he's one year older than me!) like writing "Nature gave you one more day at home with us." on facebook (referring to the snow day!).

Love you honey! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shredded Beef -> Noodles and Beef

Here are two recipes.  You need to make the Shredded Beef to make the Noodles and Beef.  :)

Shredded Beef
2-3 lb Beef Roast
1 Medium onion
1 Green pepper
1 T Garlic (fresh if possible)
1/2 c Mustard
1/2 c Ketchup
1 T Worcheshire sauce
1 t Thyme, paprika, smoked paprika
1 c Beef broth
1 T Applecider vinegar
2 T Brown sugar
1/2 can of Root Beer
Salt/pepper to taste

This is easiest to just throw it all in the crock pot for a couple hours and let it do its thing.  Remove the roast after it is done and shred.  Just pour as much of the sauce on the beef after shredding as you would like.  Keep any left over sauce and beef for the next recipe.

Noodles and Beef
1-1.5 lbs Shredded beef (from previous recipe)
1 c  Shredded beef sauce
1/2 c Milk, Parmesan
1/3 c Sour cream
1 T Butter
1 T Parsley
1/2 t Basil, thyme, worcheshire sauce, garlic
1/2 c Beef Broth
Salt/pepper to taste

Toss this all in a sauce pot and simmer for 20 minutes or so.  I also toss in about 1 T of flour at the end for thickening.  Top your favorite egg noodles with it or use the noodle recipe that follows.  

(if you want)
Homemade Noodles
2 1/2 c All-purpose flour
Pinch of Salt
2 Eggs, beaten
1/2 c Milk
1 T Butter

Melt butter, mix with milk and beaten eggs.  Add flour, the salt and knead in a large bowl for 5 min or until it starts to become smooth.  Let it rest for 5 min then roll out to 1/4" thick or less.  I take a pizza cutter at this point and make 1/8" noodles.  The less uniform the better, I think.  Now let these cut noodles air dry for about 10 minutes then boil for 3-4 minutes or until al dente (to the tooth!!).

When I made this the first time I threw half the shredded beef and 1 cup of the sauce in the freezer and made the noodles and beef about a week later.  Freezes very well, so do the uncooked noodles if you air dry them for half a day first. 
