Saturday, June 19, 2010

My baby/big girl/toddler

MVJ is such a big girl.  I can't believe it.  She buzzes around and has such a personality.  She will let you know what she's thinking thankyouverymuch.

A few of her words -- she adds more every day it seems and will go on copying sprees where she tries to say everything Mommy or Daddy or both are saying!

*Oh boy!
*No!  (while shaking her head furiously)
*Amen! (and holds her hands - especially when we pray at meals - LOVE it!)
*Baby (and when she holds her baby, she always says, "Oooh" at first.  It's SO cute!)
*Shoes (sounds a bit more like "shoeshs")
*Buh-bye and Nugh-nigh (for night-night)
*Mama, Daddy - "DadEE!"
BUT the sound we hear most often these days?  "Uh! Uh! Uh!"  We keep telling her to use her words and not be a little monkey, but for some unknown reason that is what comes out first!  : )

She LOVES loves to go on stroller rides.  In fact, if we leave the stroller out, she will often be found sitting in it.  If we even mention w-a-l-k, we better be on our way headed out the door or she gets a little impatient.  The other thing she loves is marshmallows!  Am I a bad parent?  This is her all time favorite reward.  Before, JJ and I were sad that we couldn't reward her for being such a good baby, but now we've found it!  She is so cute, when she's been supergood, we put down her pillow by the couch, and she'll sit and eat a handful of marshies that we put in a little cup.

In all the packing, she's become quite the helper.  If I'm not quick enough, LOTS of extra stuff goes in whatever box I'm packing.  She also loves to take things OUT of the box I'm packing.  We have a little storage bin thingy with handles that holds our tape and permanent markers (to label boxes).  She LOVES to carry that thing around.  It's so cute - it looks like she has her little work pail all ready to go.  But again, MOST of the packing occurs after she's gone to bed.

Speaking of sleepytime, MVJ is still our good little sleeper.  She enjoys two naps a day (usually) and still goes to bed around 7:30, waking up between 7 and 8.  When we were out of town a few weekends ago, she woke up at like some ungodly time (6:00?  6:30?).  She was in the pack and play in our room and I just looked at the clock and said, "We don't get up until 7." and rolled over to go back to bed.  Can you believe it?  She just sat and played until that time!  It was fabulous!

One thing that wasn't so fabulous is MVJ started wetting the bed... THROUGH her diaper.  That girl is like a camel!  She totally holds her pee like all day and pees it all at night.  I'm exaggerating of course, but she does *most* of her business while sleeping for some reason.  Anyways, we had to get her these overnight diapeys and she's still been known to wet through them.  We've been really trying to encourage her to drink more throughout the day and not just at night/during naps.

What else?  Speaking of potty, we think (of course we do, because our child is a genius), that we may have an early potty trainer on our hands.  Whenever I have to go to the bathroom, I will say, "Mommy has to go potty.  I'll be right back."  Before MVJ paid little to no attention, but now she beats me to the door.  She knows just where to go.  We're thinking we may get her her own chair just to get her familiar with it and see if she's interested at all (no pressure to be trained anytime soon though).

I think that's about all for our little miss.  She's loving summer.  (I'm loving her new wardrobe -- if the weather would stay sunny for any stretch of time though!).

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