Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pinterest... FAIL...

Cloud Clay!  "No cook recipe!" they said.  "Fastest and softest clay you will ever make!" they said.

With my busy boy and I at home during the day... actually "at home" is sort of a joke.  We are all around town most of the time!  I am starting to rethink these things I set up for times like 9:30 or 10.  With a drop off time of around 8:00 for Miss M, and a good 20 minute drive home... sometimes going home is not completely worth it.  But, where does one take a 3 year old at 8:30 in the morning?

Anyways, I digress.  One morning, we decided we were doing an activity at home.  I got C on board to make Cloud Clay.  The ingredients and directions could not be simpler.  I almost missed the directions in the post I pinned from Pinterest they were so simple:

You need 2 parts corn starch to 1 part conditioner.  I used 1 cup corn starch and 1/2 cup conditioner.  Please note that the brand you use might require a little MORE or a little LESS depending on how much water is in the conditioner.    When you first start to mix it,  it will appear that it is going to be too dry.  But just keep stirring and before long you will have a soft dough formed.  

 So first of all, I realized that in the move our food coloring completely disappeared.  We must've decided it was not worth the move... or they are in a random storage area.  I would not be surprised by either one.  C was "ok" with making white dough for now and getting coloring later.  We DEFINITELY opted out of glitter.  With Big Sis in the house, enough glitter gets spread everywhere as it is. 

I got out the cornstarch and conditioner (some conditioner I had leftover from a trip to MN when I accidentally bought two things of (really cheap) conditioner instead of one conditioner and one body wash... oops).  And with my helper by my side, we measured out the 1 cup of conditioner and 1/2 cup of corn starch.  Are you with me?  Do you see where I already went wrong?!  I inverted the two ingredients.  There were TWO things to keep track of...  C had great fun playing with the sticky, sticky blob that ensued.  But, we decided to remedy the situation.  We ran to the story and got more cornstarch and food coloring. 

I added 1 1/2 c of corn starch and well, it just never formed.  We even added a cup to start, but that was still sticky so we added the rest of it, and then it was just a weird crumbly mess.  C was ok playing in that awhile too, but we were both bummed we didn't make the amazingly awesome fastest and softest clay EVER. 

Good thing C is quick to forgive and that we have plenty of playdoh on hand to last him awhile!  :)

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