Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rosy Applesauce

It feels weird to say that in my "old life", I was a teacher, because we always get a summer break.  Surely nothing has changed just yet.  It will really set in in August I'm sure.  I already promised C that when we got Back to School shopping with Miss M, we can each pick out something too.  :)  hehe  Not that that is what I'll miss most about teaching, but just sayin', I love me some office supplies.

One thing I that is not high on my Things I'll Miss About Teaching list is school lunch.  Granted, I found some things I loved in the cafeteria (did I mention that I was a lunchroom supervisor for most of my teaching stint in KS?), but overall, not the highlight of my day for sure.  So one of those loves was "Rosy Applesauce".  Sounds weird right?  Just reddish applesauce... why would I be writing a post about reddish applesauce?  I came across this recipe on pinterest the other day, and well, chalk it up to another win for Team Mommy!  So, basically, you just add jello to applesauce.  And that is it!!  My kids gobbled it up, and with unsweetened applesauce and sugar free jello, I happily scooped more on their plate!

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