Sunday, October 23, 2011

You know you're moving when...'re EXCITED to use up your favorite shampoo (and cereal for that matter) just because it's one. less. thing. to. pack.
...your husband is your hero, not for taking good care of the kids all day (which he did do because he's got about two weeks off!), but for packing TWO MORE boxes! suddenly become less and less attached to the precious and adorable clothes your children outgrew.
...your new favorites at work are the gal who just moved and gave you all her boxes, wrap, and packing paper and the awesome janitor who keeps bringing you paper boxes (LOVE those boxes).
...which brings on another one - you start to have favorite boxes -- paper ones.. oooh... and diaper ones!  PERFECT sizes.'re EXCITED it's finally fall -- pack up all those summer clothes.  Done and done. shopping becomes trickier -- what do we need JUST this week -- no stocking the shelves for me! can't really think farther than the closing date.  Just gotta get to that closing date. becomes easier -- boxes are covering the floor -- no need to vacuum! suddenly have new family rules -- especially once something is in the box it DOES NOT and I repeat does NOT come out.  That one was made especially for M, who suddenly becomes attached to each and every blessed thing going in the box. you sit on the computer and type this all you can see in the house is more stuff that could be grouped together and fit into x, y, and z box.

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