Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Road Trip, Stop 7

Thanks for hanging in there with me.  If you're getting sick of this trip, magnify that times 30 and you'll about be where M was by this time.  Poor kiddo.  We pushed it too hard, but we really really wanted to see everyone and do everything up north while we could...



Westward, Ho!  The whirlwind that was us landed in Fargo to visit our favorite Fargo J family - L, A and their three kiddos.  We love, LOVE visiting the Js for a number of reasons.  They have kids, we have kids!  They have tons of kid stuff!  They have a beautifully finished basement so we can have a little personal space time for a bit if we need to!  And we just plain love them so much!

We did a ton of fun stuff -- including the main reason for the stop -- JJ being in a golf tournament.  The kiddos, L and her kiddos, and I went to the Fair (where we got to view niecey L's artwork!!) and even hit up the library for story hour - complete with a craft!  We also treated ourselves to some fro-yo, Fargo style.  Another superfun thing that happened in Fargo was our friends, the Ls drove down from Grand Forks just to visit us.  It was amazing seeing them again.  We love them so much.  Our visit was cut short due to M's terrible mood and fighting sleep... but it was so great to see them!

Sadly I only have a few pics from this stop - but they do show off L's beautiful artwork (and some petting zoo animals!)!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

We love you too! And you'll need to send me the photos, please!

Now, WHEN are you coming back?!